
Saturday, 25 June 2011

Squares Galore

Its been a busy few days here at Strawberry Patch HQ, not least because of the arrival of a new Levey family member, let me introduce you to Charlie:

Don't be fooled by his black lab looks, he is a 12 week old German Shepard x Collie!. He is a dream, seen here chilling out at my feet in the studio whilst I partake in a 'cutathon' (yes its a word but don't bother looking for it in the dictionary!) for my latest challenge. As if I don't have enough juggling with making stock, looking after 2 children and a new puppy I have decided to take part in the Birdie Stitches BOM run by Little Miss Shabby, head over to her blog for some amazing inspiration.

I love to hand embroider but its something I rarely get time for, having made both of my girls a quilt each I have wanted for a while to make one for myself, very selfish I know! So when I saw this I couldn't resist it, I have been cutting like mad and have now cut all 240 of the 2.5" squares needed, I'm using a collection from Moda that's a few years old now called Santorini. Its been hanging about in my stash for a while and I've used it all up on this project. I had to add in some Robert Kaufman and a couple of others from my stash as I didn't have quite enough Moda for the whole 240.

So satisfying to see lovely little piles of squares right? Especially after all that cutting! So as a treat I made up the first block for January and then I couldn't resist getting on and embroidering it, after all this BOM quilt along started in January so I'm playing catch up!

Can you see that cutsie little bird with his ear muffs on? Adorable! I have also made up the second block for February and its coming with me tomorrow to the craft fair at Widecombe-In-The-Moor to be stitched upon, I cant wait, its two super cute birdies.

Finally I'll leave you with a peek at my first free-machine embroidered animal, it was a birthday card for my lovely Mother In Law, they have a beautiful black greyhound called Polly, I think you can make out it is a greyhound but I feel that rather more practice is required on my part lol!

Monday, 20 June 2011

Catch Up Quick!

Well, after a lovely weekend off 'work' and several fairs in the next few weeks its time to pull the proverbial finger out and make a start on replenishing my stock. Having sold several large items recently I'm looking a bit empty!

First up was some bunting, a chore to make but certainly a best seller. I made a batch of my usual shabby twine bunting in pink

Then I made some 'scrappy' mini bunting from a lovely Moda scrap roll I've had for an age, its been used in so many projects! Its not my usual style for Strawberry Patch but I thought it was so colourful and we need a bit of colour with this dreary weather!

Then it was onto a pin board that I've been meaning to make up for a while. I often get asked if I have these so I thought I would add one to my stock and see how popular they are.

Then yet another job - re frame a picture for my collection at Blue Indigo Gallery I already have 3 stitched pictures in the gallery, this one just needed a whitewash on the frame and now its ready to join them!

Finally this evening I had time for a little 'playtime' and this is what happened:

Another picture! Seriously I am addicted to making these at the moment! I was day dreaming about our holiday to Wales which is coming up and the flick I had through Vintage Life Magazine earlier today must have brought out my inner 1950's camper!

Tonight isn't over yet though! With a present to make for my Mother-In-Laws birthday and a list as long as my arm to work though I may be holed up in the studio for a few hours yet. But am I complaining? Heck no what better way to spend the evening than at my sewing machine!

Friday, 17 June 2011

The inaugural blog post....and how many followers can I entice??!

Well, this is it, my big plunge into the the ocean of blogging! I have been thinking for a long time about having my own blog but I guess the nagging concern holding me back was the worry that my pitifully mundane life is far too dull for anyone to have an interest in following me around whilst I go about it! But never the less, my desire to fill every nook and cranny of my life with crafting has lead me to rattle on about it on my own blog - even if no-one is listening!

Let me start simply, I'm Emily, pleased to meet you, how'd you do?
I'm the ripe age of 30 and live in sometimes sunny Devon, UK with my very forgiving husband and 2 patient little girls, all of whom put up with me being rather distracted by the sewing machine for long periods of time! My love of craft started when I was young, memories of my mum sewing at the kitchen table and then letting me have a go eventually. Even having the needle go through my finger when my baby brother trod on the presser foot didn't put me off! I went onto study Textiles at GCSE and then promptly left behind my creative side to pursue a career as an insurance broker! But, I never stopped fiddling with clothes, tweaking things and making gifts.

When I had my first child my father-in-law refurbished an old British Harrodia Hand Machine for me and this was my trusty companion for many years, until i eventually replaced it with that well known manufacturer of sewing machines  -  a Tesco machine lol! After my second daughter was born my friends increasing nagged me to make something happen with all the sewing and crafting I had done, one even made me promise not to go back to my old job! So, Strawberry Patch was born. Its only the start of my journey, its a sometimes bumpy road that seems to go around in circles, but I tell you what, I wouldn't have it any other way! I feel privileged to be pursing my dream and hope you come along for the ride.......