
Friday, 17 June 2011

The inaugural blog post....and how many followers can I entice??!

Well, this is it, my big plunge into the the ocean of blogging! I have been thinking for a long time about having my own blog but I guess the nagging concern holding me back was the worry that my pitifully mundane life is far too dull for anyone to have an interest in following me around whilst I go about it! But never the less, my desire to fill every nook and cranny of my life with crafting has lead me to rattle on about it on my own blog - even if no-one is listening!

Let me start simply, I'm Emily, pleased to meet you, how'd you do?
I'm the ripe age of 30 and live in sometimes sunny Devon, UK with my very forgiving husband and 2 patient little girls, all of whom put up with me being rather distracted by the sewing machine for long periods of time! My love of craft started when I was young, memories of my mum sewing at the kitchen table and then letting me have a go eventually. Even having the needle go through my finger when my baby brother trod on the presser foot didn't put me off! I went onto study Textiles at GCSE and then promptly left behind my creative side to pursue a career as an insurance broker! But, I never stopped fiddling with clothes, tweaking things and making gifts.

When I had my first child my father-in-law refurbished an old British Harrodia Hand Machine for me and this was my trusty companion for many years, until i eventually replaced it with that well known manufacturer of sewing machines  -  a Tesco machine lol! After my second daughter was born my friends increasing nagged me to make something happen with all the sewing and crafting I had done, one even made me promise not to go back to my old job! So, Strawberry Patch was born. Its only the start of my journey, its a sometimes bumpy road that seems to go around in circles, but I tell you what, I wouldn't have it any other way! I feel privileged to be pursing my dream and hope you come along for the ride.......

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily, welcome to blogworld! Looking forward to seeing what you're up to.


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