
Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Design advice please!

Right, I am putting out a shout-out for help! I have been staring at my quilt for hours and cannot decide what to do!

I am happy with the quilting thus far but I am wondering, see the little boxes with the boxes in side them, the 6 running in 2 rows down the middle? Got them....right, do you think these should be 'echoed' in the half square spaces along the sides? Like I've marked in the photo (and yes I know 'along' has one 'g' but I don't have the gumption to change it after 3 hours of quilting hehe)

Or do you think this would be too much? I am too quilted out to decide and thought that another set of eyes might see it clearer!

Thanks so much everyone :)


  1. I'd say quilt more (because you are doing it!), if it was mine, I would probably stop - not much help - sorry!

  2. I love how you've quilted it so far. I think I would probably do the echo in those squares too although I know the tempatation to leave it at this stage - you can't go wrong really, it will look fab just as it is!

  3. I really like where this is going! I'd say yes, little half squares around the edge. Really, you can't go wrong. It looks fantastic!

  4. I vote for quilting the half squares too. This is why I stippled mine - so much less thought necessary.

  5. Hmm, maybe a wee square in each of those spaces? It's looking lovely

  6. I think that it looks fantastic

  7. Either way for me! Not much help sorry Emily - looking good though!


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