
Sunday, 18 December 2011

A little present for me from you?

Well, we are settling in nicely at the Farmhouse, today was spent throwing lots of sticks and walking the dog in the orchard, decorating and scouring ebay for shabby old furniture to kit out the sewing room. We are all looking forward to some quiet family time over the Christmas period.

I'm also really looking forward to getting back into blogging in the New Year and have plans up my sleeve for a colourful rainbow charm swap hot on the success of the Christmas swap. More on that soon!

Perhaps you'd like to share a little Christmas cheer my way right now though, could you spare a couple of minutes to pop over and vote for my entry in the Search Press Christmas Competition on Facebook? All you have to do is pop here and click like on my photo, the same as this one

I would dearly love to win, it would be an absolutely fantastic end to what has been a rather difficult few months this year. Voting is open until 5pm Wednesday, thank you so much!


  1. Oooh, rainbow charms? Sign me up!

    Glad you're all settled now, and good luck in the comp :o)

  2. 'Liked' - good luck!
    Merry Christmas xxxx

  3. Done! Looking forward to the charm swap...and this time I'll cut the fabric properly lol!

    merry Christmas xx

  4. rainbows - who wouldn't!?

    Good luck with your little shoes - will go and vote now! BTW do you do a size 6?

  5. Gorgeous shoes! I'm off to vote now!
    Looking forward to the rainbow swap!

  6. sounds interesting...going to vote when posted this xx

  7. Oh, I'd love to do a rainbow swap!! -I don't get as much time on the computer as I'd like, but I've followed you and will look to see if you do emails (the followed blogs can get overwhelming sometimes and I still miss things). I really like rainbow projects and want to do a flying circle of geese quilt when I get enough rainbow charms :)



Go on say something, anything, I read it all :)