
Monday, 20 February 2012

Bee Virgin No More!

I forgot to mention back in January that when I was looking for a bee to join Cindy very sweetly pointed me in the direction of Sunni's blog and the Stash Bee.

Up I signed and the first month, January, had Sunni as queen, not daunting or anything!

She was asking for tree blocks and this is what I came up with

I fme a verse from the poem 'Tree of Life' by Mia Ocean as the tree trunk and made my first ever hexi's for the canopy. 

I also made my first ever siggy block (I even had to google it!)

So all in all it was a lot of firsts in one go! I was really nervous sending it off to Sunni, but she put all my fears to rest by sending me a lovely postcard thanking me for the tree! My daughter thought it was very cool to get a postcard from Washington USA!

Today I worked on this months block, the pineapple, for the February Queen Samantha. I must admit to putting it off as I was thinking the block was out of my skill range. But I got there eventually!

I was surprised how little black I had in my stash but I found enough, I kept thinking 'do the funky chicken' whilst I was stitching it up!

I also found a cute bee stamp to put on my siggy block, I think I will have to use it every month.

If you are looking for a bee yourself there are spaces left in Hive #3 of the Stash Bee which starts up in March, go here to sign up! 

In other news, last week the very last pack of charms arrived for Round 1 of the Rainbow Charm Swap. So I spent a good few hours at the big table sorting all the piles of charms.

Ouch, did my back hurt after all that sorting! But it was worth it because the very same I day I had all the UK packets back in the post and the international ones the day after. So here it is, my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow:

I'm off to work on my mouthy stitches pouch, the deadline is looming and I don't do 'close to the wire'!


  1. Love your bee blocks, the tree is beautiful!!
    Thanks so much for organising the charm swap, half of my charms were cut at the weekend and have already been sewn up ;)

  2. Look at you happy in your hive! I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying your bees!
    Yum, yum, yum! Look at those charms!

  3. Great Bee Blocks - I still haven't been brave enough to join a Bee - although I'd feel better about doing so if I could use my own stash - at least then if I mess up it's only my fabric!!

  4. I love your tree!
    Could we have a close up picture of the trunk please!

  5. Your bee blocks are amazing Em! Well done! Now you're off! Jxo

  6. Didn't know Cindy was a directory service! Glad you are having fun - I've joined my first bee too this Jan! Your blocks are great - your hive is so lucky to have you Emily!

    Thanks for the charms too - finishing my pouch before I get cutting!

  7. The tree block is gorgeous, I love the poem-trunk! It really doesn't look like your first attempt at hexies either.

  8. Love that tree block, and after that the pineapple should have been a cinch :o) Looking forward to the postie delivering my charms

  9. No wonder Sunni was happy!

    How come no-one is nagging you about the verification!?

  10. Love the tree, what a great way to use up hexies!

  11. ok Hadley I'll do it!!... could you PLEASE turn off your word verification it's so annoying ;)

    I love your blogs and the siggys look great!
    I'm so pleased with the charms, they're all gorgeous! Just need to work out what to do with them now.
    Do you mind if I use your picture on my blog (with credit obvs)? I just can't get a good one!!

  12. Wow! Your tree block is great! Did you machine stitch the words?

  13. Love your hexie tree: so original and fun!! And I love the pouch that you made for Jennifer at Ellison Lane Quilts that she posted today. Great use of hexies :-)
    Hugs from Helen in Calif.


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