
Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Sick Day Sewing

Yesterday big daughter was off school poorly, cue lots of running about fetching drinks, quilts, snacks and reading books.

I did get the chance to sneak off to the sewing room whilst little daughter had a nap and big daughter lounged on the sofa. Spurred on by a bit of blog reading this is what I whizzed up

My friend Mary made an amazing pillow with her vintage sheet scraps, it was so beautiful it filled me with a need to sew!

I love the pops of colour and the fresh white together and while I didn't have enough vintage sheet scraps of my own I did have a little pile of re-cycled fabric I got from Flaming Nora recently that needed a purpose.

Using the pattern from here I managed to run through this in the 2 hours that little girl slept. At one point I started to feel that the fabrics we're looking awful! But thankfully I fell in love with them again, it had found the perfect place on my new 'old' kitchen bench.

I am hoping to sew up another one today for a mothers day present but it's not looking hopeful, big daughter is worse if anything. Nurse Emily to the rescue! 


  1. Smother big girl with the first cushion, plenty of time to sew the second one... ;o) Sorry, that wasn't the spirit, hope she feels better soon!

  2. Oooo you joined in the fun!! I've made a pillow from there too. In the process of making another one. I need to get some filler however then it will be fully completed =D

  3. Sending 'get well soon' and 'don't spread the germs' wished to you all. Great cushion xxx

  4. When I am ill I just want to be in bed by myself. Why can't our kids ever be like this? Hope you get some more sewing done!


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