
Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Finish Along 1st Quarter Round-up

Back in January I set myself the following targets in Rhonda's Finish-Along:

Bind the Crazy Christmas Quilt

Use the fabric Panel and make it into something

Embroider the vintage tea cosy

Finish the dresden cushion

Finish embroidering the Birdie Stitches June block

Well I managed to do them all! :

Bind the Crazy Christmas Quilt (sometime in January, I didn't blog about it so I can't remember when! Eeeek)

Use the fabric panel by 26th January

Finished embroidering the Vintage Tea Cosy by the 30th January:

Finished the dresden cushion (drat, didn't blog this one either but I know it was done by early February!):

And I finished the Birdie Stitched June Block and even got started on the July block:

A huge thanks to Rhonda, it was such a great motivation being part of this, can't wait to see what the second quarter brings!


  1. Well done and in future stop hiding your projects from us!

  2. OK, put me to shame!
    Great finishes xxx

  3. Woohoo, go you! They all look great :o)

  4. Some amazing finishes!!! Love the pouch and Dresden plate!! =D


Go on say something, anything, I read it all :)