
Wednesday, 25 April 2012

sqiffle waffle doo daah!

Well, I don't know about you but I am not cool enough to ALWAYS think of something intelligent and appropriately awesome in my title, so today 'sqiffle waffle doo daah' will do!

I was naughty last night, I SHOULD have been sewing together the blocks I had made for the Siblings Together Quit2 during the day

But I didn't. I should also have been getting my name badge for the FQ retreat swap finished....but I didn't!

Instead I had a compete whim to suddenly have a go at some fmq. I wanted a really plain canvas to work on so made up a quick mini quilt, I also had a little length of dowel kicking around the studio I have been saving for about a year for just this purpose. Earlier in the day I had found the amazing quilting by Krista Withers and for some unknown reason I had ideas of making my own mini quilt in a similarly awesome quilty style.

How wrong was I! I was so excited, quilted away and then soon got disheartened! I used 2 different thread colours (the first ran out!), I am telling myself it doesn't matter as it was just a practice, truth be told I don't like to waste anything so I always secretly hope the practice is good enough to use!

Anyway, I finished it, felt rather disappointed and went to bed thinking I had wasted the evening making something awful when I had so much else I should have done.

I got up today, not remembering the quilt and was pleasantly surprised when I saw it in the daylight

Nope, still don't like the darker thread side!

It is not brilliant but it is mine, I would love to have a quilt long arm quilted in this style, but I doubt I will ever afford it. So I have my 15 inches squared of amateur fancy pants quilting. Perhaps when I get over how testing this was I may make another so it is not so lonely on the wall!


  1. I think you have some seriously good quilting there!

  2. What has happened - is this you Emily? Once you coyly turned your head away and now you are letting us see your lovely face - your blog has had a makeover and you are FMQing like a pro! Keep it coming girl - you are on fire! Hope you will teach me how in June!

  3. The pattern looks fab, shame you ran out of the lighter thread :o(

  4. Wow that's gorgeous! The two different threads looks great actually! =D

    Also I've added some new fabrics into my swap shop. If you're interested feel free to check it out =D

  5. Wow, that's a beautiful "practice" piece! I love it! I find you extremely courageous for even attempting this and I'm seriously impressed with your skills. Good job!

  6. Ha ha, love your title know what you mean about lacking inspiration for a post title.

    You weren't lacking inspiration though for your FMQ'ing it looks great, even with the two thread colours!

  7. Fancy pants indeed!!! It's gorgeous, as is your profile pic :)

  8. Oooh, love the new profile pic! Your FMQ is awesome and I love your ST Quilt No.2.


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