
Monday, 30 July 2012

The Return of the Zakka!

First up, I want to apologise for the lack of comments I have been leaving. I am reading everything in my google reader, but the kids just are not giving me time to comment! So for where it is due, well done, congratulations, sorry to hear that (Hadley!) and it is amazing! Normal commenting will resume, um, in September I guess!

Meanwhile, we had to stay home today to wait for a courier to collect a parcel, for the third time, and no surprise, they didn't show again today b***tards! There is nothing worse than being stuck home with 2 bored kiddo's :-(

So I made the most of the confinement by catching up on a few of the Zakka projects I missed recently. First I made the hand warmers, but decided to make them from print, I though little hands would fiddle with the embroidery.

My back sections didn't overlap like in the book, not to worry though! And it was a great idea to make them first as a certain 2 year old was delighted with their squishy bean bag like nature and promptly ran off with them, leaving me to get on with the next project....

Big sister decided it was cool enough that she have one too, so she picked some fabric and I set her to work!

Love the safety awareness with the positioning of her hands, good girl!

Then they were both so delighted with their new bags we had a full on giggly modelling session! cue photo overload :-)

Finally I found time this afternoon to turn a well worn and softened from use tea towel into the bread basket for this weeks Zakka project. Honestly, leave something lying around long enough and I am sure to cut it up!

Terrible photo, but the day was late and I was so smug with it I just couldn't wait! Perhaps later this week when I have to wait in for the courier, again, I will bake some rolls to put in it :-)

I am off to prep some pieces for the travel embroidery bag, cos I am green with envy at Lucy's gorgeous one!


  1. What a great catch up! loving your versions of the Zakka projects! Loving the table runner on your table too! =D

  2. What a great day at your house! The girls look like they had a fab time. Loving your table runner too :)

  3. Oh, I had an "effing couriers" week last week! They do royally suck. I LOVE your water bottle carriers. The wee bags aren't bad, either. Heh. Mostly, though, I am drooling over your table runner (I love me a good zig zag!) and the thought of homemade bread rolls. Honestly, that's the only things that could improve that genius bread basket. You make me want to sew!!! RIGHT NOW. And I'm at work which is unfortunate...

  4. Lovely makes and such sweet images! BTW, I have the same problem with commenting...

  5. Sweet post & I love your little basket! Such nice detailing!!

  6. Very cool and I love the pics of your girls - too cute!


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