
Thursday, 14 February 2013

....more handmade wardrobe!

ready for more?!

Here is my favourite dress, I just LOVE it! Its my £1 dress :-)

washi dress

I brought this lovely vintage cotton from a charity shop around 2 years ago now and I am so pleased I have finally used it (even if it does make the £1 fish song go around and around in my head!)

I used the washi dress pattern from Rae with a couple of my own little tweeks.
washi dress collar

I added a little peter pan collar with some teeny ric rac trim and lined the bodice - I find this so much easier than doing facings or binding the armholes.

washi dress pocket

And I added a contrast print on the skirt pockets. I love this little detail even though I am the only one who really sees it.

Of course one washi dress isn't enough for a girls wardrobe so I made another.

long sleeve washi

This time I had a little help from the lovely Jennie. I couldn't source the fabric I wanted in the UK so I had some sent to her and she shipped it on from the USA, the first time ever I've brought yardage of a quilting cotton....the checkout felt a little painful but when it arrived I knew I had spent my Christmas money on the right thing!

I added long sleeves to this one, I only wish I'd ordered a tiny bit more so I could have had full length sleeves. I hate the cold and I also dislike the elasticated 3/4 length sleeves riding up inside my cardigan  I may yet alter these.

long sleeve washi 1

I also did a bodice lining on this dress and used the same pleated skirt method rather than the gathering. I like the flatter fit this gives over the front (a little hard to see on this fabric) and on both dresses I chose to do an elasticated back making a channel at the bottom on the bodice lining rather than the shirring.

long sleeve washi pocket

And of course I just couldn't resist adding in contrast pockets again, these have to be my favourite with the little Scottie dogs.

So a nice new wardrobe ready for warmer weather. And that's not the last of it because I've been pattern testing this week and have a gorgeous new spring dress, but you'll have to wait until the pattern is released before I can show you!


  1. These are fantastic, love the detail in the pocket.

  2. Beautiful Emily! Love your secret pockets....


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