
Thursday, 14 February 2013

My Handmade Wardrobe

I have always loved to make clothes but recently I seem to have become a little obsessed, I have almost doubled the handmade section of my wardrobe and my little girls since Christmas!

I blame Rae and her tempting Patterns!

hanmade wardrobe

I've rounded up as many as I can think of (yes embarrassingly there are more!) to show you, hopefully you are interested!!

Starting with Mini Me's new wardrobe, here is the boxing day Geranium Dress

geranium umberallas

I made this with a beautiful soft cotton that I got from Kerry last summer in her destash, I've been waiting for the right project and just love love love it, I don't want her to outgrow it!

I fully lined this dress and it didn't make the project much longer to complete, I managed to eek the fabric out despite having much less than the recommended yardage.

I was so delighted with this lovely dress that I decided to make her a tunic top using the Geranium pattern.

I ordered some precious Nani Iro from Miss Matatabi on Etsy, bit of a story behind that with a nasty customs charge but I managed to make myself a top from it too, so yay for fabric economy!

I had to compromise a little with the fabric placement on the back bodice pieces because I didn't have much left to play with, but I still love this cute little top with its quirky turquoise buttons from my Nannies button tin.

nani iro geranium top
nani iro geranium top 1

I had so little fabric left that I ended up using my selvedge as the hem! And here is my little top too!

self drafted nani iro top

 I'll be back tomorrow with my new dresses!


  1. Oh these are so lovely! I have been meaning to buy some of the Nani Iro as I made my 6 year old a dress out of the Nani Iro Little Letter fabric and loved the drape of it. I am going to look up those patterns, they are very lovely. Gorgeous! x

  2. Love you clothes! Always wanted to give dressmaking a proper go (messed about a bit in my early 20's, but didn't really have a clue what I was doing!). Especially LOVE the boxing day geranium dress, it's beautiful! I can see why you don't want her to outgrow it - to make it last longer it would be really cute with some denim shorts in the summer :-)

  3. Wonderful, and I spy a beautiful Cloud9 dress - how extravagant are you!!!!?

  4. Clever lady. That is something I would like to try my hand at. Di x

  5. They are gorgeous! I really want to learn dress making this year. X

  6. Happy new wardrobe! Love that Nano Iro, I was drooling over some of that print the other day...

  7. Adore your Nano Iro top! The others are great too.


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