So I am Emily, 30-something, live in South Devon in a gorgeous old farmhouse in the middle of no-where with my husband, 2 daughters (two and seven), dog, cat and 6 chickens. This is me
I am doing my 'Little House on The Prairie' impression, man I used to love that on a Sunday morning, with the smell of Mum's roast dinner wafting around the house :-)
I have been sewing since my Mum would let me on the machine, so I guess about 12ish? I took Textiles as a GCSE but then moved onto 'proper' subjects at A-Level/Uni. I guess I never even thought about whether I could make a living from sewing, no-one told me I could, even though I loved it. So now after several 'boring proper jobs' I am using the pretence of being a stay at home Mum to sew manically and make a few pennies from it along the way. I only started quilting just over a year ago and wish I had started 20 years ago, there is SO much I want to do!
At the retreat I will be easy to recognise, my boobs may be starting at you when I wear this, they mean no harm I assure you!
And when I am not wearing that I will most likely be wearing this
My newest clothing make, the selvedge skirt! OK so it isn't as great as the vision in my head, but that's cool as it is a just a precursor to this project, IF I can get enough selvedges together! Expect to see me in the dress at FQ 2022 at the rate I am going!
And of course I wont be taking this off all weekend!
My gorgeous name tag from Hadley (notice the subtle colour co-ordination of my chosen retreat clothing with the name tag, THAT'S how much I heart it!)
And if you get me in the sample swap, this is what you'll be getting
Some of you may already know what a 'struggle' it was for me to get my ticket, I won't re-tell the story here but suffice to say if it wasn't for the likes of good friends and lovely people such as Nicky, Lucy, and Fiona I simply wouldn't be coming on Saturday. Thank you all so much, if I haven't mentioned your name please still talk to me this weekend!
I will be raring to go in Kerry's class early on Saturday morning. I have met her VERY briefly before, I will still be the raving loon going 'I know her, she's famous' ;-) OK, so I promise not to let my behaviour get out of hand, I wouldn't want to get carted away for stalker type behaviour and miss the hoot that is going to be Mrs Hoey's Saturday afternoon embroidery class. Seriously, there are so many of my chums in there I can see Aneela is going to end up with a giggly back row in the class, advance apologies to the queen of cute fabrics for any naughty disruptive behaviour, I seriously respect you, I just may not be able to control my excitement!
Sunday I am EPP-ing and porthole-ing, gee sounds like an extreme adventure sports weekend! The rest of the time I hope to be meeting some really lovely friends in the flesh, spending time with my brother and his wife, who I am staying with, and who I never get to see enough of, and generally enjoying a long weekend of being Emily, not just Mum!
BTW, despite me sounding marginally mad as a hatter, I am really a very shy nervous person (that is without the use of alcohol) so please come and poke me in the ribs and say Hi, I will love you for it!
Oh and this is my 100th post to boot!
BTW, despite me sounding marginally mad as a hatter, I am really a very shy nervous person (that is without the use of alcohol) so please come and poke me in the ribs and say Hi, I will love you for it!
Oh and this is my 100th post to boot!
That is such a great skirt!!
See you there!
See you there!
I'm in both your saturday classes :) so I'll see you there and try not to giggle too much at all the shananigans at the back :) Love the skirt!
Loving the skirt! Oh, and see you in the first and last classes :o)
BABE! Most stylish quilter nomination a sure thing (if there were such awards of course) Lovelovelove your selvedge skirt. I want one. (and legs that suit skirts...) And I love the t too, but arent you worried about people trying to stick googly eyes on your nips...? Save me a seat at the back in afternoon class ;-)
congrats on your 100th post. And that skirt ROCKS - be warned I may have to stroke it!
What an awesome post! I love the skirt and will bring my contribution to THE dress to London. Can't wait to meet you! I'll be the other painfully shy gal in the room... We can be shy and nervous together :)
That skirt is fabulous! Looking forward to meeting you.
love the skirt and your glasses t shirt :) see you Saturday
Omg. That skirt is amazing. I actually cannot wait to meet you. I think we might be in embroidery and portholes together, yey! If I was much skinnier I might have stolen your skirt, alas, it would only make me a nice garter.
Oh you did the skirt - it's fantastic!!!
Can't wait to meet you at long last!
Amazing skirt! If you get too quiet I'll shove a glass of wine in your hand.
LOVE the skirt and can't wait to meet you!
I'm a born and bred devonshire lass who went on an adventure to Australia, and stayed there! Looking forward to meeting you, I think we're in Aneela's class together.
I think I'm in the portholes class with you. Will be lovely to meet you!
Haha you really are as mad as that post makes you sound! See you Saturday mate! x
I am portholing on Sunday too. See you there.
that skirt is really cool! Looking forward to seeing you again- a bit longer this time!
Yeah, so I'm not going (coz I'm weird and don't want to - I know, I know...) but PLEASE take a photo of your full outfit for me. Pretty please with a cherry on top. Coz, honestly, that is a stoater of an outfit! Which means it's amazing - I do love how you've co-ordinated your name badge. *g* Have fun!
P.S. Yeah, I think a lot of quilters have the shy gene, I suffer terribly with it myself. Although my armour manifests itself in improbable hair colours and slogan tees. You won't be the only nervous girl there, I promise!!
It'll be good to meet you, Emily!
Happy 100th post! Love love love that skirt! See you soon!
That skirt is fantastic!! See you Saturday!
I love your skirt and am really looking forward to meeting you!!
I didn't know we were making our own clothes to come in - guess I will be wearing a Pirate coat then!
You are very beautiful if shy and I am looking forward to my afternoons with you Em!
Congrats on the 100th post. It does look like we are in any classes together but hopefully we will have time to say hello.
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